Thank You!

Thank you for registering with ABCTC

An email has been sent to you to confirm your registration.

We will be in touch with more details as the seminar approaches. 

Please contact us at if you have any questions, or need to change any of your registration information. 

Payment Info

If you have paid by PayPal, credit or debit card, you will receive a payment confirmation email from the nice folks at PayPal.

If you have selected “Pay Offline” and would like to pay by check, you can make your check payable to “ABCTC” and drop it in the mail to:

Ann Braue’s Canine Training Center
Mail Box #1
800 Wisconsin St.
Eau Claire, WI 54703-3521

If you have selected “Pay Offline” and would like to pay by means of puppies or really good tequila, please contact me directly at:

As a reminder, the registration page for your seminar has all of the info about the site, hotels, rvs, seminar dates and times, …  Please refer to this page at any time.

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